ResurFX® is a fractionalized erbium laser that goes as deep as CO2 laser but it is nonablative, which means it bypasses your epidermis, your outer layer of skin and goes deep dermis and remodels from the inside out. Basically what it is doing is putting half a million laser spots on the face. It treats sun spots, age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles and boosts collagen, even remodels acne scars. With minimal downtime, people look lightly red like a sunburn for about three days. You will have a little bit of swelling around the eyes mainly but otherwise normal routine. We always tell everybody to treat your face like a sunburn for a few days, lots of moisturizer, lots of sunblock and you can treat every two weeks. Since ResurFX is a fractionalized erbium laser, it is only remodeling your deep dermis 20% at a time, hence a fractionalized laser, so it does take four treatments to remodel 100% of the deep dermis.
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