With all the sun damage that we intentionally and unintentionally inflict on our skin living in a sunny climate it’s wise to learn about steps to prevent and help reduce signs of sun damage caused from years of sun worshipping. An IPL treatment is ideal for those wishing to improve the skin tone of their face, neck, chest or hands.
Photofacial or IPL is a laser generated light that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to target various chromophores in the skin. It is an effective treatment for concerns such as Sun Damage, Age or Sun Spots, Hyperpigmentation, Melasma, Freckles, Broken Capillaries, Redness or Flushing and Vascular Birthmarks (telangiectasias.) Patients suffering from Rosacea can also benefit from IPL treatments.
Best results typically require up to 4 treatments.
“Photofacials are the perfect treatment choice for those who suffer from Rosacea, Melasma, or pigmentation from sun exposure without any clinical downtime. It leaves the skin looking luminous a week after treatment!” says Robin McClain, A.R.N.P., M.S.N., FNP.
Sun care for your skin includes wearing a minimum SPF factor of 30 for the face during the daytime (most foundations now typically include SPF protection) even when you do not plan on staying outdoors for any length of time. Wearing a hat, sunglasses and high protection Sunscreen (30SPF or higher) for any prolonged outdoor activities and reapplying often are all ways for protecting your skin from the sun.